Saturday, December 20, 2008

Snoww =]

Well i just wokeup a little while ago..Yesterday was an interesting day. I went to school and then it started snowingg n shit =]. I was madd hype but my gf wasn't -_-. Oh yeah me and her are back to normal now =]. I wass hungry but didn't eat lunch for some odd reason. Me n crop had some good laughs in Government as alwayss. I had like 5 snowball fights with the juniors n random people who were walking past. It was fun..felt like Halo in real life. Yeah whatever, so afterschool I headed to Rime. my feet were wet n cold n shit cuz i never wear boots. I got to Rime n did some work n shit. I wore the PenField snorkle aroudn the store for half the ay even though i didnt buy it yet. I want it badly but i have like 4 or 5 coats already but that shit is tuff. I took a pic with it n made it my myspace default cuz I think i look cute. I ate chinese but the lo mein didn't really hit the spot. I usually just get my regular but I was told to "broaden my horizons" so eggh watever. I got new headphones n shit =] they're Sony but they work just as good as the Bose ones did and were a lot more affordable. After Rime I ran like 10 blocks to Court st to swipe my school metrocard before 9 o clock cuz i didnt wanna pay the 2 dollars =/, i swiped at 8:58 though ;-]. That was real black of me but hey what can i say ya know?. I waited for the R for like 45 minutes ns ht then i took it to Canal st n got to Mike's party n shit. saw everyone n the whole 9. then everybody was doing the normal drunk routines then a fight broke out..madd black people brawlin n shit n Mike kicked everyone out so I left. Niggas don't think. WHy care for someone who deosn't care for you?. Poeple do anything to be down or fit matter WHAT it takes. I'm starting to realize that you can't change people..people are gunna do what they want no matter what you say. The word "friend" is a term that's used to loosely, there's a thin line between a friend and an associate...I beleive you have to go through certain obstacles and situations with someone before you can call them your friend. But hey, That's life. Im odd hungrry right noww but i don't wanna get up. I gotta be at Rime for 3:30 today so i get to relax until then..

here's some pics of yesterday:

1 comment:

JavRabbit said...

oh lovely furr on that jacket. 100% egyptian squirrel fur. u can still smell the nuts no homo. =D keep posting as i get a good read in the afternoons