Saturday, November 15, 2008

Rainy nights and 23 dollars?!

So, today started off horrible with the rain and all. i wanted to slap my mom with a 2-by-4 cuz she was getting on my nerves. After being harassed for half the day i finally left. I got on the train at like 4o clock to go pick up Riss. I took the G train like 4 times today .i got to Canarsie minutes to 5 and she had on tights =) that really got my penis in the lay the D down mood.

we got on the same cart as some hoodrats who were taking pics so we did the same =]. we got to broadway junction and couldn't decide on where to go. I hadn't eaten all day so we decided to take the A train downtown bk n get sum grub.we got on the same cart as some hoodrats who were taking pics so we did the same =]. we got to broadway junction and couldn't decide on where to go. I hadn't eaten all day so we decided to take the A train downtown bk n get sum grub.

my greedy gf wanted iHop so thats where we ended up spending this rainy saturday evening. i haven't been too iHop in years and i was starving so i did what 400 pound men do with wrinkled penises.

Greedy people photographs below :

I never knew iHop iced tea was so good. We ate like savages and our food only came up to $23 =D. shocked the hell outta me? cheap don't you think so? Being the loyal customer i am i left the fatass waitresss a 7 dollar tip. After iHop we walked around in the rain and ot all wet n shit. i guess that's romantic. we got on the G train and took it to Smith-9th street for no apparent reason =]a and then we took it to the L and I took her greedy ass home. Thats all for todays blog. OneLove-



Bree ♥ said...
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Bree ♥ said...

sowwy...i changed t a the white text.